Thursday, October 15, 2015

Experience Vs. Evidence

"Experience is the teacher of all things."  (-Julius Caesar)

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.  It is the source of all true art and science."  (-Albert Einstein)

As some readers have noticed, and as I explained in an earlier post, the paranormal occurrences about which I've written here, thus far, are unprovable.  They took place over the course of my life, beginning in very early childhood, and continued throughout a time when the gathering of "evidence" for the sake of proving something or convincing others was of no concern to me.  In the beginning, things just happened.  As time went on, I began seeking out knowledge of the unexplained in the only ways I knew how:  reading voluminously, and actively entering into places and circumstances that might increase the chances of my experiencing something of a paranormal nature.  I did what I did.  I saw, heard, and felt what I saw, heard, and felt.
And I have only my stories to account for it.

[SIDEBAR:  You know what they say... Be careful what you ask for.  Throughout my teens and early twenties, much of this seeking involved deep study and practice of the occult, including involvement in foolhardy provocations and dangerous conjurings, and a deliberate state of "openness" to powers and principalities that--as I now know--are best left alone.  Like I said, this is not a course I'd recommend to anyone.  There are other ways of investigating the unexplained, Lighter ways which are far less likely to send an invitation for Dark forces to enter one's life.  Remember, as Nietzsche said, "And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee."]
In my opinion, in regards to the paranormal, nothing beats real life experience when it comes to making a believer out of a skeptic.  Yes, I do believe the gathering of concrete evidence is a vital component of keeping the field of paranormal research moving forward.  However, no amount of cold evidence alone is going to convince a hardened skeptic of the reality of the paranormal.  This is especially true today, when you consider the vast array of multimedia technology available to anyone, which makes the fabrication of false-but-compelling evidence extremely easy.

No, I'm afraid the only way for a skeptic to be convinced of the reality of the paranormal is for them to experience it for themselves, to which any compelling evidence may be added as additional and welcome support.  Once you've been there and done that, you will believe.  Those of you who have, know exactly what I mean.

My intention for this blog is to first relate my own early experiences, in order to provide the reader with an understanding of where it is I'm coming from, as an individual and as a paranormal researcher.  As I've stated, none of these accounts can be proven.  If they ring true with you, if you have had similar experiences, or if you know and trust someone else who has, it is my hope that they might help validate what you already know to be so.  Conversely, the skeptical reader may find them entertaining, but will inevitably write them off as hogwash; I'm okay with that, too.  Once my backstory is adequately documented, this blog will proceed with the sharing of accounts and evidence that have been gathered, both by S.P.I.R.I.T. and by other paranormal investigators. 

From time to time, as it is a particular interest of mine, I will also here share examples and elements of mystic traditions and folklore from around the world, along with my thoughts on how they relate to contemporary explorations of the paranormal.



Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The "Eyes" Have It...

Early Summer, circa 1987.

During a particularly active period of shadow people sightings, I was awakened one night by the strong sensation of "being watched" by a sentient presence in my room.  Rousing myself to full alertness, I turned and looked at the wall opposite my bed.  There, suspended just above my writing desk, I saw what appeared to be a single, large, bloodshot eye - about two feet in diameter - glistening wetly and staring at me.  I shit you not.  Pulling my blanket over my head, I tried to call first for my parents, then for my older brother, whose room was next to mine.  Nobody responded, probably because they could not hear me; I remember that fear seemed to have tightened my throat, and I was barely able to make a sound.  After half a minute or so, I chanced another look at the wall.  The eye was gone, and I was once again alone in my bedroom.

This was an odd and unique occurrence, to say the least.  Thanks for reading, and please feel free to leave any thoughts or questions in the comment section below.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Paranormal Wisconsin: Presentation by Chad Lewis

For those in the Ashland, Wisconsin area, be sure to check out "Paranormal Wisconsin - Tales of Ghosts, UFOs and Mysterious Creatures," on Sunday, October 18th, at 1:00 p.m. CST, in the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center auditorium.

Details about the event can be found HERE.

The presenter, Chad Lewis, is a prolific author and world-traveled paranormal researcher.  More information about Mr. Lewis can be found HERE.

Note:  S.P.I.R.I.T. is currently recruiting researchers and field investigators!  If you're interested in participating in paranormal investigations in the northern Great Lakes region, find me at this event, ask me for a business card, and let's set up a time to chat!  If you can't make it to the event, email for more information.

Friday, October 2, 2015

"Sing Me a Song..."

"... you're a singer.  Do me a wrong, you're a bringer of evil..." (Black Sabbath, Heaven and Hell)

Midsummer, 1992, about 5:00 p.m. CST.

Remember when video games allowed you to access and listen to individual sound effects and theme music, from the "Options" screen?  When I was 16-years-old, my little sister and I were sitting in my brother's bedroom, listening to various sound files from Castlevania IV on our Super Nintendo console.  One after another, we would listen to a sound effect or song, make up a joke or say something about it, and move on to the next one.

A short way into the song known as "Simon's Theme," or "Stage 1: Dance of the Holy Man," the disembodied voice of a woman suddenly echoed throughout the room, loudly and clearly harmonizing with the music coming from the television's speaker.  It was quite lovely, and lasted for several seconds before fading away.  My sister and I simply sat there for a few seconds, jaws dropping, before turning to stare at each other with wide eyes.  "Holy Crap!  Did you hear that?" I asked her.  She replied, "Yeah!  What was that?"

We immediately replayed the song to see if we would hear the same thing again, but were unable to recreate the phenomenon.  This was disappointing, because the voice we'd heard really was beautiful.  We went into the adjoining living room and determined that the television there was not turned on.  My father, who had been dozing in his easy chair just on the other side of our closed door had not spoken, nor had he heard anything.  Upon investigation, we also determined that there was nothing outside of the bedroom's open window that could have made the sound.

Through the magic of the internet, you can now listen to the song that was playing when my sister and I heard this ghostly singing.  Play the video below... the voice started at the 1:06 mark, and continued to about 1:14.